Additional Launcher For the TCL Flip 2

If anyone has good experience with a home launcher for the tcl flip 2 (besides the one one it comes with) please share here.

This was designed for the LG classic but who knows maybe it will work for the TCL

Doesn’t seem to be compatible with the TCL. It keeps crashing.

I tried the nova launcher and it worked pretty good though I prefer the launcher it comes with a) because I really use the key shortcuts and it was not available with the nova launcher b) I couldn’t figure out how to get to recent apps to close them… Usually you press the key down shortcut but as I wrote the key shortcuts don’t work with this launcher.

Try big launcher.

It looks pathetic but it hides in it a certain cuteness. Hard to explain.

I’m sure it will work perfectly. Since I tried it on other armeabi-v7a devices and it worked perfectly

I tried this but wasn’t happy with it. It was a bit old fashioned.

I am using square home launcher right now and am pretty happy with it.

I am still running into issues regarding recent apps. When I press the launcher shortcut called recent apps it doesn’t do anything (the first time I pressed it it said it needs accessibility access so I enabled it with the apps4flip accessibility app, but it still doesn’t work).

If anyone has any ideas please share

you’ll never undertand it’s beauty… it’s the most costomizable, dumb looking, cool flip phone launcher. go into the settings and figure out.

the phone never had a recent apps feature. it just had a list of recents integrated deep into your old launcher…

Old Problem Sir

I was wondering why the recent apps was screwed up. Is there any 3rd party apps that will display the recent apps?

Usually heavy launchers like nova lawnchair and apex have a recent apps feature built-in.
But believe me I searched. I didn’t find anything useful. Maybe someone here can create one?