AI based Anti-virus

I thought I’d share a project I did that uses AI to do malware detection on systems. If there are any AI model training experts, I would love to have some feedback on how to improve it, as I don’t really know what I’m doing.

It accurately classifies 95%+ of the good and bad binaries that I trained it on. Currently I’m running an ssh honeypot to collect a lot more malware.

what about using ai to filter the browser like images sites and so on?

There are open source ai models that can already do that.

can you share some links please?

We use this to great effect in

That looks interesting…
Care to explain a bit more about prismfilter?

Prism is a new internet filter I am developing. It does content scanning, ai image analysis, etc. It’s not released publicly yet.

that sounds great would you share more details please? it will be for android? windows?
more details how it will work?

Preliminary documentation:
combined.pdf (288.6 KB)
Please note that we aren’t accepting new customers right now, as we are still deep in development.

this sounds cool… once released for the public let me know

Trying to download the pdf, is it still active?
This is what I’m getting when I click on it.

Sorry, we were having some problems with attachments due to changes in where they were stored.
prism.pdf (272.6 KB)

Thanks appreciated :pray: