App of the Forum

Can someone create an app of these forums for flip phones? Making sure there are no IAB.

Is there some reason the official discourse app doesn’t work?

Is that a app of specifically this forum?

It is a app that you could use for pretty much any discourse forum.

I am not familiar with discourse is there inappropriate content on there?

Now that the host of the forum is different, is there a way I can get an app for my TCL Flip 2 of this forum?

dont worry. we’ll create a app pretty soon.

Epic! Can’t Wait!

Any updates?

Jtech forums 1.apk (200.2 KB)

Try this

This is the message I get on my TCL Flip 2

jteck.apk (6.2 MB)
you can use this but if web view is blocked you will need to enable it

this app is kosher and does not have a internal browser

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@TechMind This is what I got on my TCL Flip 2 when trying:
What phone have you tried it on that it worked?

i am using it on android tablet and it works great

Here’s another 2 APK’s of the forums
Jtech forums 1.apk (200.2 KB) (1.4 MB)

On the TCL I am getting the same 2 error messages as posted above.

Me to does anyone know what to do?

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having issues it wants me to use chrome i guess webveiw is not enough… any solutions?

this should work

What phone you trying it on?

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