Backup Notes on Kyocera Phones

I tried to backup notes on the Kyocera DuraXV E4610 as explained here. I got a pop-up asking to backup or cancel. I tried tapping backup (d-pad, mouse and scrcpy) and cant tell if it either doesnt click, or clicks and doesnt do anything… Anyone have experience with this? Lg exalt is really easier because at least there is an option to share all via Bluetooth which Kyocera seemed to have overlooked…

If you happen to have voice access, try using to click the desired button I’m curios if that would work over a physical button.

This guy had that issue on the 4810, but seems he managed to get it to work.
Link to post. assuming you have java and all enabled?


Forget about what i said. I realized you cant run it through webadb. When running scrpy make sure all necessary info is there.

Just a word of warning. When doing the backup on differnt devices and saving them all to the same file location in powershell.
It will cover over the old file.

Your file will now be backed up in your platform tool folder named “backup.ab”

So you would want to rename it backup1.ab or anything you like. And that way the next time you backup another device it wont cover over the previous backup and of course when reinstalling to use the new name you set the file to.

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Good point. I should add that to my guide.


So you got it to work on the 4610?

I tried to backup the notes for an exalt, which worked just fine. Question is would that backup package reinstall nicely on a kyocera phone, for example the S2720?

Meaning if someone wants to switch phones from the LG Exalt to a Kyocera Cadence S2720.

I hit a speed bump as I couldn’t tap the restore button on the Kyocera.
Keys don’t work to tap, Voice access didn’t help either. And didnt try with the mouse though as you meantioned. As i installed the Voice Access and may interfere with the mouse. And no easy way to uninstall, though running it in powershell/adb i probably could have uninstalled that application.

Does it make sense scrpy doesn’t work on the S2720 as there’s no video capabilities?


Once I have the scrpy package. How does one run adb and the scrpy at the same time?

Simply open both at the same time.

PS It won’t work on the Cadence because there’s no video capabilities.

I’ll try and let you know. Thanks