Changes to this forum

Hi everyone, I’ve just addded @TripleU as a new admin on the forum. He really wants to make this forum go places, and I’m giving him the permission to do some experiments in that regard. We may be possibly doing a rebranding. There are other ideas floating around as well. If anyone else has things they would like to see change, just reply to this message to mention them.


This site can now be accessed at
The old url will continue to work indefinitely.

Can you fix the garbage / delete button.

Every time I scroll I accidentally hit the garbage button and the post just gets deleted.

It should ask you to confirm that you want to delete the post not that one click of the garbage can delete the post. Thanks

@FlipAdmin @TripleU I noticed that any attachments on the forum from a while back just dissapear and I only see the name of the attachment file.

Discourse doesn’t have a setting for that, from what I can find.

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Any way we can get some decent reactions for the like emojis? Maybe just a thumbs up… :+1:. I dont always have to​:heartpulse:everything… and :face_vomiting:??


need chrome

I am using chrome.

odd. i’ll look into it

Maybe there is a setting how long the site should save the attachment for.

Does anyone else experience this issue?

Yes, and I’m not sure what the problem is.

Could be the s3 bucket was disabled or something

Thanks for fixing this!

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Thanks for the push, for thumbs up!


What platform did you use to build the forum? And how much does it cost?

Scroll down to the bottom of the page. It says Powered by Discourse.

You tryin to open competition? :grinning:

Discourse itself doesn’t cost anything. Since I didn’t want to handle the details of setting it up myself, I’m currently paying $50/month for a company to host this forum for me.


You could also check out

On many sites, including a simple text on your phone, should there be any grammar or basic errors you’ll see the text underlined. On this website you don’t see any of that, anyway to implement that feature?

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Why is it that the tools and extra topic requires authentication for each post?