Debugging on TCL flip2 on KEFS

hi I installed neutronscotts neutron.img for kefs. however i cant enable usb debugging. any ideas? thanks

Try running *#*#33284#*#*.

here’s a rom for kefs with adb and wifi calling and the browser replaced with an app launcher and the keyboard matrix file reconfigured for the message key, favorites key and emergency call button. to disable wifi calling e911 dial *#*#66384#*#*


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I replace this step fastboot flash boot neutron.img with fastboot flash boot super_KEFS_mod2.img (after putting it in my platform tools folder)?

Fastboot flash super super_KEFS_mod2.img 

Because it’s a super, can someone share how to use fastbootd?

Thanks a lot. i might give it a try.
i really would like to do this on my own. i would want to enable debugging without a custom rom. ##DEBUG## does not work

If you still have the browser try this (I believe this was for the KEKA software but it shouldn’t hurt to try):
On your phones browser, enter this link:

It should start a direct download of adbio apk.

Once downloaded, click on the notification (do not go to the file manager) follow the prompt to

allow unknown sources. Once enabled, click the back button (not the end button) and install the

app. Type in the launcher code, open up the app, grant root access, and click enable. USB

debugging is now enabled.

Connect your phone to your pc and open a command window in the platform tools folder. Type

“adb devices” and click “allow” and “ok” on your phone.

Execute these commands:

“adb shell”

“settings put global development_settings_enabled 1”

(This will enable developer options in settings/about phone)

Credits: [u/chet50] (Reddit)

It’s weird cause the latest release ends with “kefs” over here Releases · neutronscott/flip2 · GitHub. Check out Use KEFS version of boot for neutron.img ? · Issue #28 · neutronscott/flip2 · GitHub.

There is 2 options to use which one did you use, this neutron-noavb.img or neutron.img? Maybe it has to do with this.

Also maybe open an issue on github over here. Or get @neutroscott on this site.

the kefs update removed the option to activate debugging, it has nothing to do with the boot image

So if I buy a phone on the kefs software and don’t allow it to update before I root it, it should work?


thank you it seems to have worked. someone had issues with this method on neutronscotts github issues page. but i gambled. i will let you know once i have service

So you can download apps now?

What are you scared about that you want to wait till you have service for?

i installed your img. but the matrix-keypad.kl is blank and none of the keys work. please help

Sorry it turns out i had a magisk module that was messing up the keys

If you want to add the mouse put it into the phones internal storage and run:
adb shell su -c magisk --install-module /sdcard/
Credits: @FliphoneBochur.

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i just installed not a birds ROM but it wont make calls the phone shows 4g lte but it says cellular network not available when i try to place a call also it show unrgiosered in ims registration state in the status menu. any ideas?
than ks

did you update to kefs before flashing the rom?

no. i was on kefh prior