Disable WebView

How can I disable WebView (no paid apps or anything)? If I uninstall or disable the user access to the system app, the phone goes intor ecovery and doesn’t boot.
If I disable it in app settings it auto re-enables itself upon the next device boot.

if you can recompile the source to APK, you can use this method:

Looks cool but thats a browser not a WebView replacer…

android system webview replacement

How do I set it to replace WebView?

read the instructions, it requires firefox and certain dependants… i don’t know of a simple way - except maybe giving read permissions for the system only… mt manager etc.

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Not sure if this is what you were looking for but check this out.

what is the point in this

I am not sure. I tried asking the guy who made it on GitHub.

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For what phone do you want viewweb