EDL Cable and Firehoses

Just bought a EDL Cable does anyone have experience with these?

Yes, I have one. Works well on most any Qualcomm based phone.

I need one for my bricked cat s22 flip

$10 on ebay or aliexpress.

Just takes 3 weeks to come

And why can’t I reboot to edl mode? Isn’t that a option?
(I’m not so good with Qualcomm as mediatek)

On some devices adb reboot edl works, and on some it doesn’t.

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What is a edl cable? You can boot to edl with out that cable?

what is edl mode? how does it work? whats so special about it? can someone explain

for the cat s22 flip power it on while holding volume up + volume down

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do you have the firehose?

I wish. do you have it?

was searching for a while, couldn’t find it anywhere