eGate-Android MDM-version 1.14

Just released version 1.14 on Github:

Since the previous eGate topic was getting quite long, I’ve closed that one out and we will continue any discussion here.

Updates in this new version include:

  • New accessibility filter only mode. No device owner is needed to use just the accessibility filter. I should note that this feature is experimental and may or may not be continued in the future.
  • New accessibility filter option to block Telegram search.
  • New accessibility filter option to block GIFs and Stickers in the GBoard app.
  • Bug fixes to the WhatsApp feature blocking so that it works in more circumstances.
  • Some minor styling improvements.

There was some feedback on the video blocking not working for VLC media player. I’ve confirmed that there is no good option to block the video player in VLC, and now recommend not using VLC in the first place.

the telegram block feature is not that good when the search bar is clicked it closes the whole app
what needs to be blocked is just global search feature but regarding the search for current chats one has is still needed

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Also is the block telegram search exclusively only for telegram? Or it includes third party.
Second the option to block GIF in g board doesn’t do anything.

Ok, so just when searching things like channels and apps?

I don’t understand the question. What would be an example of third party?

Your version of GBoard must display a bit differently than mine. Would you be able to get me a screenshot of it with the GIF option selected?

I meant to say third party apps that use telegrams API like plus messenger ext

And what exactly do you want a screenshot of

No, it doesn’t do that.

Open GBoard, tap on the button for the GIFs, and then take a screenshot of the GIF selector.

I just realized that there is an easier way to block gifs than with the accessibility filter. Some big updates coming soon, with features that will put eGate a whole league ahead of anything else out there.

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Awesome! Really looking forward.

regarding the telegram search yes channels and public groups that one is not associated with should be restricted

i didnt keep up with the whole egate filter now i want to know is the filter now capable of blocking in app browsers?
the last time i looked at egate was about a year ago not even sure how it looks now

It has the ability to block access to in app webviews.

Want to give this filter a shot on a new Google Pixel 9, and see how it behaves. Want to block everything except for camera and waze/GoogleMaps.

Did you have a package with multiple licenses for sale? @FlipAdmin at least I thought or saw you had something like that.

Would be cool if we can get this filter to work on iOS devices. I have set up multiple iPhone 12s with MDM filters which is kind of annoying having to pay a yearly fee.

Certainly. You can get them for $15 each in bulk at this link:

iOS is an entirely different beast. There is no similarity between the operating systems, so any software for iOS would have to be developed specifically for it.

Thanks. After skimming through 155 posts i found the links and read up a bit about the filter and all.
As well i see when clicking shop, there’s 3 options a 1, 5, 10 Packs.

Just curious was this filter originally designed for an Android or specifically for a flip phones?

Or written to accommodate both?

I guess I can test it out on my own and see how it works.

Tempted to buy the 10 package, but have no clue if I’m actually going to use them all or when. :wink:

Oh wow!!! It’s a real difference to what it used to be!!

Both. :smile:. Android-based flip phones at least.

How can I update a old version egate to the latest version? Can I just install the latest version?

Yes. Depending on what the old version is, I might need to reset your license key.