eGate-Android MDM-version 1.20

Continuing the discussion from eGate-Android MDM-version 1.17:

Version 1.20

Adds app names to the app IDs listed in the unhide apps screen.

Also adds new screens to block apps from being uninstalled.


egateinstaller.exe (16.3 MB)
this is a simple egate installer to makes things simpler
i think the check active accounts button does not work


Trying to install eGate on Qin F21 and getting this error
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Trying to set the device owner, but the user already has a profile owner.
any help
I removed all accounts Can’t find the issue.

Setting the Device Owner Information:

It’s not the first time I install a eGate filter I did everything but still not working
It’s a Qin F21 I think they have a new restriction on they devices

Only on the Chinese software
What software are you running?
