Egate Feature Request and Bug Reports

Not for troubleshooting discussions. Please make one post per feature suggestion or bug report. Posts will be deleted once a suggested feature has been implemented or bug fixed. Posts may also be consolidated or deleted to keep the topic concise and focused. Please don’t take offense if your post gets deleted or modified.

Edit by @FlipAdmin : this is a very useful list. Helps me prioritize.

Ideas already in the list:

  1. Block pictures in certain apps.
  2. Block File Transfers via USB or Bluetooth
  3. Block WhatsApp Communities across all languages.

Ideas suggested, but impossible:

  1. Block all video playing. Not possible due to the way some video players work.

User Initiated, Administrator Approved settings changes.

The user can go to eGate, press request change, make the changes he wants to make, and press save.

Administrator gets an email with the changes listed and an authorization code.

If the Admin approves of the changes, he informs the user of the auth code.

If the user inputs the correct code, the changes he made will apply.


Network filter that blocks the following:

  • GIFS in Gboard
  • In app ads.
  • Customizable list of domains.
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Please make an option that we can block specific URLs and domains via the network.

Use Cases:

  1. Block Specific Websites
  2. Block Specific App Features (eg. I know the URL WhatsApp loads profile pics from. If you block that in the network, there will be no more profile pics on WhatsApp which is a use for some)

Make it like Screen Time. Either a whitelist or a blacklist.


Can blocking videos be fixed to always work?

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No. Some apps like VCL play videos in weird ways I can’t do anything about.

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Several ideas I’ wondering if people would find useful:

  1. Adding a switch to disallow outbound phone calls.
  2. Adding a switch to block SMS.
  3. Adding a switch to block uninstalling any application, unlock the recent block uninstall feature where you can select which apps can’t be uninstalled.
  4. Adding a switch to disallow the user from changing their credentials.
  5. Adding a switch to disallow modifying accounts. I.E, the user wouldn’t be able to add or delete accounts for gmail, whatsapp, signal, etc.
  1. Cant see the use unless like you’re making a Waze Device maybe
  2. Thats good but hiding the Messages App is also
  3. How is this different than the current block uninstallations feature?
  4. What is “credentials” referring to
  5. Sounds god but maybe 2 options: 1. Block Changing Google 2. Block Changing everything else
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Idea: Better Blocking WhatsApp features and work with all languages

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A quick settings that can turn the phone into a waze device instead of having to switch everything to off.


The password or pin to unlock the device.

I have in mind to add a feature the displays a qr code in egate, with the current settings in the qr code. Then you could scan it with egate on a new device, and it would copy the settings exactly.

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I guess you can then share a QR code with the right settings set to make a waze device.

block fastboot

Enforce DNS

Working on in.

Not possible without a custom ROM.

Just installed Egate on a CAT S22. After I disabled apps, when I open the enable list, the list is empty. Tried a restart. What else to try?

Which disable apps? The block via accessibility, or the hide apps button?

Sorry I mean “unhide apps”. I hid the apps now the unhide list is still empty…

Any ideas to fix it?