Can someone please post how to unlock US bands on the Qin so far the only forum I have heard it is on is reddit which is blocked by my filter and xda developers which is not clear can someone please post clear instructions here?
xda developers is very clear.
I can’t write clearer
What don’t you understand
which exact files are needed and how to flash TWRP?
U need SP flash tool sn writer you don’t need TWRP
Does anyone know how to flash us bands on f22?
There’s no software for that.
Wanna pay someone?
There is someone in Israel who does that.
So it’s possible to have the F22 working in the US?
Allegedly. Although the phone does work out of the box in some places
I doubt it
It works in Upstate NY/Monsey but thats about it. And it doesnt even work in basements, only above ground so its not ideal at all. If you leave upsate/monsey area the phone no longer works…
How is that? If it connects to us towers y not everywhere?
it could be its not running on us bands that version and thats why its terrible every else. what other places did you try besides monsey
they want me to flash twrp can you post the exact link. i saw in a different post it sounded like it was easier than what the say on xda
U don’t need to have TWRP for us bands
so how do i do it can someone please rewite it here