I have a TCL Flip 2 which is rooted with magisk and has an unlocked bootloader and has Gapps. I was using google messages from the play store and decided today to link it to my pc. I went on the app and couldn’t find the link option. With a quick google search I came this article claiming you can’t link google messages to a pc with such a device (either because it’s rooted or because of the unlocked bootloader). I installed the apk from apkpure and downloaded it and all the sudden the pair device option showed up, and so far the linked messages work great!
If anyone has something to share in this regard feel free.
Overnight the paired device setting disappeared and I can no longer use the messages on my pc.
If anyone has anyway to maybe not allow the app to access if the phone is rooted or if the bootloader is unlocked (I am not sure if this even makes sense) please share.
I’m using the qin f21 pro rooted and unlocked, My Google messages and device pairing works just fine
So maybe it depends on the device. I would love to get it back working.
Does RCS work on your f21?
Yes after I installed the play integrity fix module with zygisk enabled
I also registered my devices fingerprint
Which guide did you follow? I tried one last night by adding the PIF module and adding the play services to the denylist and hiding the magisk app. But it didn’t help and on top of that I kept getting a popup that google framework isn’t responding.
Did you need to do this as well to get the RCS working. I am guessing that doing this will solve my link to pc problem.
No it’s exactly what you said, and don’t forget to have zygisk enabled, but an additional step is you have to go into the module itself and do a little bit of configurations
How do I make configurations to a module? And do you have any idea why my Google framework was failing? And I forgot to mention that after doing all the steps I could not even open play store. I just got a fail message.
Anyone can help me have google messages linked to pc with a rooted TCL Flip 2?
So I tried getting the google messages app to not detect the root by adding it to the denylist in magisk. Then I cleared the app data. But got nowhere.
After turning on denylist (before adding any apps to the list) I rebooted the device. As soon as it turned back on I got a message that google framework is not responding.
Does anyone know why I can’t listen to voice notes on googe messages (qin f21)
If you’re on Verizon network it won’t work because of a protocol issue. Used T-Mobile
Nothing can be done on Verizon?
not answering, just advising - GO WITH T-MOBILE for billion reasons
Even in boro park?