GUIDE COMPLETED - How to transfer your SMS and call history between flip phones (The right way)

Guide to Transferring SMS and Call History Between Flip Phones

Transferring your SMS and call history from one flip phone to another can be accomplished with the following steps. Please follow the instructions carefully.

Step 1: Install the Backup Application

  1. Download and Install the Backup App
    Install this application on the phone from which you wish to transfer messages and call history.

Step 2: Create a Backup

  1. Open the app on your source phone.
  2. Select the Backup option.
  3. Choose the items you wish to back up: Messages and Call History.
  4. Once the backup is complete, you will find a new folder labeled SMS Backup Restore on your phone containing two XML files: Calls Backup.xml and SMS Backup.xml.

Step 3: Transfer the Backup Files

  1. Transfer the two XML files to the destination phone (the phone where you want to restore the messages and call history).

Step 4: Install the Restore Application

  1. Download and Install the Restore App
    Install this application on the destination phone. While both apps may appear similar, the restore app is optimized for restoring data, making it more effective for this purpose.

Step 5: Restore the Data

  1. Navigate to the transferred call history XML file (Calls Backup.xml) and select it. This should automatically open the SMS Backup Restore app and prompt you to restore your call history. No additional permissions are required for this step.
  2. Next, select the SMS XML file (SMS Backup.xml). You may be prompted to set the SMS Backup Restore app as the default SMS application. If prompted, simply select OK to proceed.


  • If you encounter an error when setting the app as default:
    You can run the following ADB command to set the SMS Backup Restore app as the default SMS application:
adb shell settings put secure sms_default_application

After executing this command, you should be able to continue with the restoration process.

  • Uninstalling the App:
    If you used the ADB command to set the app as default, everything will revert to normal once you uninstall the SMS Backup Restore app.
    Same applies if you did it normally.

By following these steps, you should successfully transfer your SMS and call history from one flip phone to another. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out.

Important. Do not exit the app during the restoration process


why was this deleted?!

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What phones was this tested on?

This was tested on the exalt the classic the Kyocera. But it should work on most flip phones that you can install apps on

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Thanks, is there any way to delete all messages from a LG Exlat? I tried that adb commend but it doesn’t work

adb shell pm clear com.verizon.messaging.vzmsgs

It’s a little hard to select all conversations at same time on that phone I believe, but I’m pretty sure there is a app that can clear the data for you

You’re welcome for the orginal post from A4F


what was the original post

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Lol, I never saw that post, for the record I did make my own guide I didn’t follow this one.
if you feel like it’s important to you I can add you to the credits

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I wasn’t saying you copied from me. I was just referencing it. I’m sorry if you thought I was stealing your thunder.
Anyway, thanks for your hard work on behalf of the flip phone community!

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Np, I’m glad we cleared that up :smiling_face::smiling_face::smiling_face:


hi. anytime you guys wanna lock a topic, just pm me. enjoy and thanks :smiley:

The app listed above seems to have the functionality that you need.

Backup app Download


Just used this twice (Sonim XP3 and Kyocera E4610) and it worked excellent.
Thanks @Samtee-1 !

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A post was split to a new topic: How to transfer your SMS and Call history between flip phones

No problem. I’m happy to hear this worked out for you.

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Does this app work to backup the calendar on the LG Exalt?

I tried using this backup method as i would with the notes, Backup for notes.

I found these 2 files for calendar, , even after backing it up and restoring, nothing seemed to have come back onto the device.
Wondering what other options there are for the calendar?

The other options would work if the phone was rooted

Is there a simple way to root a phone and then to unroot a device?

So I guess that’s out of the equation. Any other options on the top of your head that you can think of?