How to Get Google Play Services to Work on Your Device

How to Get Google Play Services to Work on Your Device

After noticing that many people are struggling to get Google Play Services working, and with several guides already available on the subject, I’ve gathered all the steps you need to follow in a detailed way to get the Google Play Store running on your device.

Step One: Unlock the Bootloader

To unlock the bootloader, follow the Rooting Guide.

You have two options for proceeding:

Option 1: Install Custom Recovery (TWRP)

I will write about it in detail over time.

  1. Flash a custom recovery (TWRP)
  2. Use the recovery to flash the Google Play Store file from
  3. Continue from the registration stage.

Option 2: Root the Device

  1. Root the device using either this guide
  2. Install the Google Play Store files through Magisk modules (Magisk is the root manager app).

Step Two: Registering Your Device with Google Play

You have several options for registering your device:

Option 1: Register Normally

I will write about it in detail over time.

Option 2: Fake the Device Signature

  • You can fake the device signature. Note that with this method, after a factory reset, you’ll need to fake the signature again.

Important Note:
The device signature is not related to the Google ID you’ve registered. The device signature is stored in the build.prop file and acts as an identifier for your device.

The issue with the first method is that it doesn’t actually register the device; instead, it registers a “key” (GMS + GSF ID), which will change if you reset the device or flash the same version on a different device.

There are several ways to fake the signature. We’ll use a Magisk module for this process.


  • A Xiaomi device with Root and Magisk installed
  • Android Terminal (e.g., Termux)

Steps to Fake Device Signature Using Magisk Module (Method 1)

Step 1: Install the Magisk Module

  1. Open Magisk and add a new module named ‘MagiskHide Props Config’.
  2. Tap the Download icon and then press Install.
  3. After installation, reboot your device by pressing Reboot.

Step 2: Install a Terminal App

  1. Install Termux (100MB). You may prefer a smaller terminal app like [this one (0.5MB)].

Step 3: Grant Root Permissions

  1. Open Termux and type su to grant root permissions to the terminal.
  2. Then type props and hit Enter. A window will appear as shown in the image below.

Step 4: Edit Device Signature

  1. In the terminal, select the first option: Edit device fingerprint by typing 1 and pressing Enter.
  • Blue: Current device signature
  • Green: Select from Google-verified signatures
  • Red: Choose option 1 by typing f
  1. Select the Manufacturer of the phone, then the Model. It’s recommended to choose a model that supports Android 11 to avoid compatibility issues.
  2. Select the Android version (Android 11 in this case).
  3. To save the changes, type y and press Enter. The device will reboot to apply the changes.

Step 5: Install Google Services

After the device restarts, you can now install Google Play Services without needing to register the device.

Important Notes:

  • With this method, the changes are not saved directly to the original build.prop file. Instead, they are stored in a secondary file that loads with the system via the module we installed.
  • If you remove Magisk or the terminal app, the module will continue to work, but if you delete the module from Magisk, the original signature will return.
  • If you remove root (e.g., by flashing the original boot partition), the signature will revert back.

If this method doesn’t fully satisfy your needs, proceed to Method 2.

I will analyze it in more detail over time.


Is there any way to register play services on the TCL Flip 2

If you don’t want to install Gapps on your rooted TCL Flip but still need google services, MicroG is your best option. To get it running Open Magisk settings and turn on zygisk and install the LSPosed module and restart your phone. Install Fake Gapps Signature Spoofer and the 3 MicroG apps; Services Framework Proxy , MicroG Services (hw) and MicroG Companion (hw) (the MicroG services and companion need to be the hw version, the regular ones won’t work on the TCL Flip 2). Then open LSPosed and allow the Signature Spoofer Module and give it access to the MicroG apps. Open the MicroG Services app and follow the instructions there. Your phone should now work with google play services.

Check out this thread.

I tried i got fake play services it didnt work to install android auto

it doesn’t come with android auto, try using and follow ALL the instructions carefully so you don’t brick your phone (for example, before uninstalling turn off updates)

Does this work to get android auto?

you’ll have it installed, can’t say if it will work

looked into the instructions and it will ask for notification access what is the adb command to allow notifivation access because on the tcl it on blocked

On my TCL it allows me to give apps access to notifications.

Did androud auto end up working for you?


Did u try this method from @NotABird