How to modify the ROM of kyocera

Does anyone know how to modify the rom of the Kyocera flip phones?
I tried already everything. Tag uses a rom called purifone and they modified the Verizon upgrade program and it installs there rom
Does anyone know how to edit programs?

If you have a firehose for it you should be able to pull off the ROM

Did you ever find one? i’ve looked around a bit. Couldnt see one anywhere

What version? check the specs online and see what chipset it has (e.g. the DuraXV Extreme has QM215) and search for drivers and loaders for that chipset, it will probably take some trial and error (and you may install a few viruses) but you may get it. As a side note, the DuraXV Extreme + has a mediatek chipset so you could try mtkclient.

Don’t worry.
The 2 guides I’ll post will help you.

  • unpacking system.img
  • wwrMTK readback

So for mtk devices, you’ll be good.
Stay tuned

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you sure its going to work for the kyocera dura xv??? i think it needs a firehose which is not public… do you have a way to bypass that?

Never messed with that device. Don’t know

what about the other devices that are qualcomm do you know anything about making a custom ROM