How to open new google accounts without phone number verification

is there any way to bypass this?

It’s only when you open too many accounts from the same IP or with the same recovery addresses.
It doesn’t like when you open that many

So if your using a kiosk you will have a hard time.

nah I’ve tried to on a brand new PC it still requested

You can use a relatives number just to open the account and then set up 2 step verification with your regular number even though it didn’t let you use it to open the account.

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on an android device make sure you don’t have a sim or don’t let google play access your phone, then, open the google play app and create a new account.

use temp number

How can I get temp numbers

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i see they charge are they a trusted website ? did you ever use it?


Thank :+1:

Even simpler is to use a phone or tablet, by settings > Google you can add an account and it does not require a phone number.


it does

After trying it again now, I see that it in fact still works, and does NOT require a phone number.

It may depend on how many times you made a new account on that phone.