You will need a computer with the adb tool installed, and a usb cable to connect your phone to your computer. This tutorial should get you started with adb.
Your phone will need to be able to connect over the internet to our licensing server. Either you need a SIM with a data plan or the phone needs to be connected to wifi.
After purchasing, you will receive a message containing file download links for several apk files, along with a license key. Make sure to save the license key for the next step. Download the file named egate for lg classic.apk.
Open the terminal app, and and run this command:
adb install -g "Downloads/egate for lg classic.apk"
Open the launcher and select the eGate icon to open it.
Enter the license code in the license field and tap save. Ignore the dealer code field. If you see the app password screen appear, congratulations. Your license has been activated. If you see the Log In button again, that means that our licensing server could not be reached.
Enter the password that will be used to password protect eGate. This password cannot be recovered, so make sure to store it in a safe place.
You should now have arrived at the main screen, so configure eGate as you wish and exit the app.
C:\Users\PCPLUS>adb shell dpm set-device-owner
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Not allowed to set the device owner because there are already some accounts on the device
at android.os.Parcel.readException(
at android.os.Parcel.readException(
at Method)
My bad. I didn’t test the upload properly. I know what the problem is, and I will upload a fixed version tomorrow. This is a separate problem from the Not allowed to set the device owner error.
C:\Users\PCPLUS>adb install -g "Downloads/egate for lg classic.apk
Performing Streamed Install
C:\Users\PCPLUS>adb shell dpm set-device-owner
Success: Device owner set to package ComponentInfo{}
Active admin set to component {}
ill post a full review and rundown in a day or two
I dont know y this thread is named “instilling egate on a lg vn220”. This app couldn’t be installed on a lg vn220 because its android 6. If you can change the sdk i can test it on the vn220
Not going to happen. I tried but ran into problems where some of the app dependencies did not have suitable versions for such a range of Android versions.