Ipad recovery mode

So we have this iOS topic sitting here all lonely, maybe just needs a little push.
(Or maybe real power users dont use Apple…)

So I was trying to fix an iPad that had too many wrong guesses for the pin.
Put into recovery mode (a bit of a hassle in it of itself)

Got it hooked up and the apple devices app
Waited a very long time for it to download the restore file and halfway in middle of the process… bam… error. So i try again. a bunch of frustrating errors and googling with unhelpful tips like “try a different USB port” and “use a better cable”, I finally saw some had better luck with itunes. Same long frustrating waiting and turning on & off the PC and ipad, no luck, more errors. Finally stumbled upon 3uTools. I redownloaded the firmware, from an “official website” (they all claim to download it straight from apples severs), opened the app, started the flash, and voila 20 min later, the progress bar, which actually moved in a meaningful way with this software was full… All done. Of course after that I discovered that this 3u tools is supposed to be some type pf chinese spyware but I dont really care at this point… Apple software is really slow & buggy. Sometimes it takes Chinese spyware to get the job done right.

Missing from the story is all the times in between that the ipad was stuck mid-flashing, had to restart ipad, restart PC, put back into recovery mode… real pain in the neck…

[NOTE: some filters/VPN’s (Techloq verified) will usually interfere with the flash process as it need to verify certain things with Apple servers. You may need to contact your filter to temporarily suspend the protection in order for the flash to complete successfully. In my case I was doing it on an unfiltered device since I had already known this from a past experience… long story :wink:]

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I had my pain when trying to install gentech on iOS.
In the end I went with netspark.
I feel ya