KaiOS Phone Filter

Does anyone know any way of filtering KaiOS phones?

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I think most people like staying far away to KaiOS phones. :grinning:


I have like 10 of them which is why I just want to figure out how to filter them instead of throwing them out…

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Tag definitely filters some KaiOS devices.

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KaiOS is a partial android system, and doesn’t have all the features that filters typically depend on.

I never tried dumping firmware on a KaiOS device via mtkclient. I wonder if it could work.

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Not all their phones are MTK. I was able to pull firmware from some of the Qcom ones, there are (some) firehoses available on bananahackers

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Were you able to write modified firmware back and have it boot?

Throw them out and enjoy a less-stressful life…


actually, couldn’t get it to boot. im assuming theres some type of vbmeta type of security or a bootloader thing. Didn’t try too much

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Yes, that is what I expected.

A post was split to a new topic: Kosher ROM for nokia

Custom ROM is probably the only way

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There are some KaiOs on the list

4G Basic Phones_july.29.2024.pdf (1.8 MB)