KCO Mouse for Flip Phones

There is a much better mouse out there (than the regular apps4flip mouse) called KCO mouse.

The package name is com.android.cts.virresh.kcomouse.

The commands to run it are:
adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.lge.voicecommand

adb shell appops set com.android.cts.virresh.kcomouse SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW allow

adb shell settings put secure accessibility_enabled 1

adb shell settings put secure enabled_accessibility_services com.android.cts.virresh.kcomouse/com.android.cts.virresh.kcomouse.services.MouseEventService

adb shell am startservice com.android.cts.virresh.kcomouse/com.android.cts.virresh.kcomouse.services.MouseEventService

Credits: I found it somewhere on apps4flip forums. The commands are the regular apps4flip mouse commands, I just switched the package name.

PS If you benefited from this please give me a thumbs up.

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If you have used both I’m sure you know why its better that the apps4flip mouse, but would you care to share what the main improvements are?

Because I don’t use any right now I don’t really remember. But KCO is much less laggy and it allows you to set any button to open the mouse.

I dont either remember the specifics, but its much better.
Works well on the Kyocera’s. For the LG’s you would want the MATVT mouse.

Something tells me they are the same but I am not sure.

is this good for tcl

What’s wrong with the Magisk Module?

Anyone got it to work on the lg exalt?

For the Exalt use MATVT mouse as mentioned above

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Is the mouse easier to use than voice access? The downside of voice access is that it has to be somewhat used in a low-noise environment to talk to it.
For example with Waze, while texting, having VA just makes it a breeze.
Curios what you guys use the mouse with that you have it installed?

Some phones like the Kyocera can have both so not such a hard choice. Otherwise its really user preference. Some find it easier this way, some that…
Some people just dont want to talk to their phone.

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can anyone tell me why i can’t click anything with the cursor? do i have to input the commands to make it work?

Try positioning the cursor just a bit below where you want to click

The difference between the KCO mouse and the Apps4Flip mouse is significant:

  1. Scrolling Experience: The scroll on the Apps4Flip (A4F) mouse is practically unusable. With the KCO mouse, you can control the speed, providing a much more reasonable scrolling experience.

  2. Activation Method: You hold down the button to activate the KCO mouse, unlike the A4F which requires you to push the button three times to activate. This often leads to accidental activation when using the star button too quickly. With the KCO mouse, there’s less room for error.

  3. Customizable Trigger Key: The KCO mouse allows you to set a specific trigger key to activate the mouse, unlike the A4F which can only be triggered by pressing the start button.

  4. Mode Toggle: It is much easier to toggle between scroll and regular mode on the KCO mouse. In contrast, with the A4F, you have to push the star button three times to activate, another three times to switch to scroll mode, and then six times to go back to regular mode.

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