Kyoceras Models

I am curious to know a bit about the Kyocera phones. If anyone has a listing of all the different types please share it. I would like to know all the different models and the differences between them. Which ones let you download all apps without modifying. Which one has message plus and which one has the other slow messaging app. Which service it works with…

Thanks for that.

What about the dura x dura xv extreme epic… what are these? Are they just difn’t ways to refer to the models you mentioned or there are other ones out there…

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Does anyone know the difference between the E4810 and E4811?

What is a decent price to pay for the E4610 model?


$130 will get you a refurb unit. I think $200 at least.

Just checked. You’re right, it went up.

If you know of someone who is selling a new one for 200 please let me know. Now that message plus is discontinued we probably can say that the E4610 is the last flip phone that comes with message plus. So if you like message plus you may want to buy one for the future.

What are the options to filter an E4610. I know the easiest is to use adb but what are the options in tag. Does it slow down the phone?

It does come with device control it is callled the dura xe epic

I have not seen a E4610 tagged only filtered through adb tag has filter for the e4810

the texting pn the e4810 is xt9 whis is better than on the e4811

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Tag has The techloq/puriphone filter for the E4610. Doesnt noticeably slow it down, in my experience.

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It’s a custom ROM rather than a MDM

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Anyone had issues with US Mobile Verizon on the Kyocera E4610.

What issues?

First time trying to use it. The phone calls don’t work.

Did anyone have to add APN’s or the like to get it working the first time?

Does the Kyocera DuraX allow you to download apk’s without modifying first?

E-4610 does not. E-4810 and above does allow installing unmodified apks.

And above?