LG Exalt: The Basics

Though not to many have the exalt I would like to open a thread designated for basic questions regarding apps on the exalt and kashering it.
I know that probably everything discussed here can be foun on the apps4flip forum it is very hard to find and it would be easier this way.

Did anyone ever figure out the right ADB commands to get rid of the voice access notification?
(Not the blue button that hovers on the screen, that can be deactivated in voice access settings which you can open by saying “open voice access settings” to voice access.)

Can someone share the apps4flip app launcher that was made for the exalt and opens when you press the voice command (mic) button.


apopps set com.android.cts.accessibility.voiceaccess POST_NOTIFICATION IGNORE

and then restart your phone

(package name may be different depending on the version of voice access that you have)
Credit: Nhaaps

Modify message

When putting in the following command

adb shell apopps set com.android.cts.apps.accessibility.voiceaccess POST_NOTIFICATION IGNORE

I got:

/system/bin/sh: apopps: not found

Run this command I’m curious if you’re able to see the package name for the app launcher. And if it matches in the above post that you ran.

pm list packages

I did that beforehand and got


So I made sure to match it up with the command I put in.

It’s definitely possible because I’ve seen exalts we don’t have that nine little button icon on the top by notifications.

I see the mix up.

I asked about hiding the voice access notification. I also asked for a launcher for the exalt that gets opened by the voice command / mic button, which was made specifically for the exalt and it doesn’t show in the notifications.

So if you saw an exalt without the 9 dots, they were probably using that launcher.

Ah i got you. Yes the annoying notification when you’re using voice access. As well as the silly app launcher that stays on your notification bar. I wonder if I can map the launcher with button mapper, for example double clicking the camera button and hide that button in the notification panel.

Lastly, after using ABD to remove an application from the phone I have a blank space on the exhalt. How can I set that blank space for an app that I installed? for example I want to put Waze in that open spot? Or even the app launcher would be nice.

And this was the nine button icon I was referring to.

This app launcher is great for the exalt. You can launch it using the voice command / mic button. You can turn notifications on or off. It’s great!

I would love to give credit but I don’t remember where I downloaded it from.

FlipLauncher.apk (1.9 MB)

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Does Egate work for the LG Exalt?

Or any filter out there that blocks factory reset and still allow installation of apps?

I don’t think any filter places have an option to have apps on the exalt.

The android on that phone is too low

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I guess at that price I can have both options to just use the free filter from Livigent.

Does anyone know how to save the selection after toggling off the email option?
Tried the back button,l and end button. Both exited the app without saving anything. Unless i need to restart the device after setting it up for the selections to be disabled.
As well closed the top half thinking that would save it. But that didn’t complete the filter setup and just went to the home screen, and left the filter still in its setup screen with the toggle buttons. Tried Using scrpy to select but got kicked off as soon as I activated the filter.

It’s ironic that it’s the most expensive phone in the flip phone market while being behind in the software.

I think after selecting what you want enabled and what you want disabled you hold down the end button to shut off the phone. Then turn it back on.

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Are you being sarcastic or you serious?

If you are referring to the livigent filter, yes, that is how you complete the setup.
Just power off and back on and you’re good to go

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I was wondering how it’s done. Okay I will test that out and report back here.
thank you