i am looking for a new t9 keyboard for the tcl. the built in one is terrible it doesn’t even have a personal dictionary. i noticed on a tcl that was filtered by kosher cell that they put a new t9 keyboard.
Here is a pretty good T9 for the TCL. It allows you to add custom words and copy paste and more which the regulal T9 doesnt have.
tt9-v36.0.apk (1.4 MB)
If anyone is familiar with this t9 every time its in use it makes a notification from the system to choose which keyboard to use which is annoying because it makes it look like I got a text or email. If anyone knows how to block it please share.
I have the auto notification app that can block notifications but I don’t know what exactly to block and I don’t want to block all the system notifications.
I just installed this T9 on my Qin F21 Pro and am impressed by it.
To answer my own question: As long as your regular keyboard is enabled at the same time as traditional t9 it will give you a notification to switch the keyboards. To get rid of this you just have to disable your regular keyboard. The simplest way to do this is: open the traditional t9 app. Then open initial setup. Then open status. Then disable your regular keyboard. Hatzlacha!