Hi I have a friend with a lg classic and kosher solutions filter… The filter randomly deleted from the phone along with the contacts and the notepad. The contacts are not important to him but the notepads are extremely important… Anyone know anything I can try to do to try to restore them?
To the best of my knowledge its close to impossible (emphasis on close).
Any recovery program has to install an app on the device itself to access the memory, and they usually require root access.
So you are presented with a few unique challenges.
- Rooting the device,
- Installing a compatible and functional app on the device,
- Not overwriting the info on the phone in the first place.
An expert may be able to open up the device and try to access the storage in the chip directly, but thats beyond my pay grade…
I am by no means an expert on this topic, all of the above is just based on my limited experience/understand. Do report back here if you have better ideas/results.