Do you know anything about getting gapps on a rooted tcl with magisk?
Did you try just installing a Google Play apk?
Or if you have magisk then try installing a Google Play moudel
I tried a couple different modules and they are all saying invalid url. From looking around on the apps 4 flip forums I noticed it may have to do with the fact that the modules are 64bit and the phone is 32.
Have you tried working with this
Or this
I did notice a module with 32 bit but my filter flagged the item as suspicious and didn’t let me download it. If someone can download it and upload it here it would be greatly appreciated.
Send link the please
sorry heres a better more specific link LiteGapps - Browse /litegapps/arm/30/lite at
I figured out how to download thanks. I will have to test it on magisk.
for those familiar with magisk where should I put the gapps zip file? What I do is put it in the internal storage and then go to modules on magisk and install it. I keep getting invalid URL.
It’s not supposed to make a difference where you put it it should work anywhere
Where do you see the invalid URL error? Have you tried installing it with ADB?
adb shell su -c magisk --install-module /sdcard/
Thanks to @FliphoneBochur’s command I got play services on my device. Right now I have play store and I would love to delete it for good, when running in adb to uninstall I get:
adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0
Failure to remove user owner’s system package:
If anyone has ideas please let me know.
Why don’t you try disabling it instead of removing it
Now that I have play services on my TCL I would love to have android auto. When I try to download it from the playstore it says it’s not available on my device. Any ideas?
Try to download it from something like APKPure I think you do have the systemize it in order for it to work
Downloaded it from apkpure and tried downloading through adb and on the phone directly I got an error: adb: failed to install C:\Users\Android Auto_12.8.643604-release_APKPure.apk: Failure [INSTALL_FAILED_NO_MATCHING_ABIS: Failed to extract native libraries, res=-113]
How about installing it directly onto the phone or right into the system private apps directory of your root folder
So generally you can’t download apks through the file manager. I happen to have an app which lists apks and I can download through that. When I tried that I got a message: app not installed.
Regarding your second idea. I don’t get it.
If your device is rooted try using a root file explorer and put your APK directly onto the phone usually for Android Auto it goes into system priv/apps and then reboot your phone