Removing embedded browsers

I want to remove the embedded browser from the waze app. Can someone tell me how to do that?

I actually have a waze that I removed the browser I can send it to you if you want

I figured out how to use APKLab with VSCode to do it. Quite powerful

All I use is mt manger which is also pretty powerful

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Feel free to upload it to a new thread in the apps forum category.

All right I’ll do it sometime soon

And you have any idea how we can make a kosher Google app so it’s just work for Android Auto and nothing else

I don’t have experience with Android Auto, so I’m don’t have a good answer. Would you be able to explain the desired functionality a bit more?

You can disable app activity’s and permissions with lucky pacher app cloner apk tool m etc…

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Well the only problem is I don’t know which activities to disable

Let’s say its a internal web, search for the word web and figure it out

did you ever find a solution to the android auto issue??

lets you connect your phone to the cars display screen and for some reason in order for it to work needs to have google downloaded

The New version of eGate blocks WebView

I’m having a problem with enabling it in the accessibility settings it doesn’t allow it says it is a restricted setting?

What version of Android? I just read recently that Android 13+ sometimes restricts access to some settings for apps that aren’t installed via Google Play. There is said to be a way to enable these settings, but I haven’t encountered it myself.

just figured it out! if anyone else has the same problem go into settings go to apps go and click on the egate app then the top right corner and press on the 3 dots and then enable restricted settings then go back to allow permission in the accessibilities in the settings


i removed my browser and before i did that i logged into my email and now my phone says i have to relogin (its been 2 years) and i cant becausse i have no browser any ideas?..lg exalt

Use an email provider and email app that lets you sign in without needing a browser.

A post was split to a new topic: Gmail Sign-in method for any basic non-smartphone device