I followed this guide to be able to download apk’s on my TCL Flip 2.
By reading a bit online it seems that the new TCL Flip 2’s are running on KEKA software and apparently rooting the device to install apk’s isn’t as simple anymore.
Does anyone know what changed due to the new software and if anyone has experience with rooting it please share. It seems that people have bricked there device due to following the regular instructions.
Turns out there wasn’t just issues with the KEKA version, it seems that already by KEFS version there were problems (see Debugging on TCL flip2 on KEFS).
What I know so far, feel free to correct me, is of 4 versions: KEEZ, KEFH, KEFS & KEKA. It seems when @neutronscott was working on this phone originally he was working with KEEZ, I personally have a phone on this version and followed the guide and it works. In his latest release on GitHub it seems like he made a image for KEFS, but from the thread mentioned above it sound like kefs had issues as well.
I’m pretty sure that there is another version after keez before kefh.
Right now I’m in middle of loading that rom that @not a bird uploaded.
I didn’t get chance to see if that adbioapk worked for loading app but for sure adb worked and I was able to load neutronscotts mouse.
Then I got messed up trying to edit keyboard matrix file ( I think I deleted it. Unless kefs is different) and couldn’t press anything.
So I decided to go with the rom.
I’ll keep you posted.
Btw in keez the volume can be changed with the phone closed and is very annoying. Also calendar is messed up and when adding contacts to text it doesn’t get it right. Things improved with later versions. The outstanding issue is recent calls that is very buggy. I was hoping that it might be fixed in kefs.
Thanks thats saves a huge hassle! Do you know if the recent calls works well in kefs. (I saw someone with this phone filtered by a local store and it worked. I couldn’t even see what version it was running on everything was blocked!)
Also is magisk installed. I would like to install neutronscott’s mouse. I only know how to do it with magisk.
If it isn’t can I just load his boot img. Will that ruin anything.
Thanks a lot for your help
I wanted to know if this software version still allows ADB debugging through dialing *#*#Debug#*#*. Also, if @neutronscott’s image works on it or it will brick the device like it does on the KEKA version.