Unpacking and repacking super (basics for ROM creation)

How to Unpack and Repack the Super Partition on Windows

Hey everyone! Buckle up because today’s guide is a tough one.

I’ll teach you how to unpack and repack the Super partition on Windows, and the best part? No app installations are required—just CMD and Notepad.

If you’re new to flashing and ROM customization, I highly recommend checking out my Flashing Beginners Guide before diving into this tutorial. It’ll help you understand the basics and make this process much easier to follow.

So, why would you go through the trouble of unpacking and repacking the Super partition? Simple: GSIs. Let’s get started.

Why Would I Unpack and Repack?

Because of GSI—a Generic System Image which is a system.img partition designed to work on most devices that support Project Treble. Treble, introduced in Android 9+, modularized Android’s system components to make updates faster and more universal.

To check if your device supports Treble, use this command:

adb shell getprop ro.treble.enabled

However, some devices don’t have separate system, product, and vendor partitions. Instead, they use a compressed Super partition (common in budget MTK devices like the Qin F21).

This is where unpacking and repacking the Super partition becomes crucial, especially when working with GSIs.

Steps to Unpack and Repack the Super Partition

1. Which Partitions?

When you unpack the Super partition, you’ll find these partitions:

  • system_a.img
  • product_a.img
  • vendor_a.img

For devices with dual boot slots (A/B), you’ll see these instead:

  • system_a.img, system_b.img
  • product_a.img, product_b.img
  • vendor_a.img, vendor_b.img

In most cases, you can ignore the _b partitions and focus on _a.

2. Download These Tools

  • simg2img
  • Lpunpack
  • Lpmake

triplepack.zip (6.1 MB)

3. Using simg2img (Step 1)

  1. Place simg2img in a folder and copy/move the super.img file into the same folder.
  2. Open CMD from this folder or navigate to it using cd.
  3. Run this command:
    simg2img super.img super1.img
    • If the Super file is compressed, this creates super1.img.
    • the Super can also be called super - without .img -write the command accordingly.
    • If you see this error:
      Invalid sparse file format at header magic
      Failed to read sparse file
      Skip this step and use the original super.img in the next step.

4. Using Lpunpack (Step 2)

  1. Move the super1.img (or super.img) to the Lpunpack folder.
  2. Open CMD from this folder or navigate to it using cd.
  3. Run this command:
    Lpunpack super.img
  4. Wait for it to extract the partitions (system.img, product.img, etc.) into the folder. about 3 minutes…

Move these extracted partitions to the Lpmake folder.

5. Using Lpmake (Step 3)

A. Get Partition Sizes

  1. Right-click each .img file, go to Properties, and copy the Size in bytes.
  2. Remove commas and paste the sizes into the Lpmake text file i provided under “SUPER DETAILS,” like this:
         SUPER DETAILS  

system_a.img  	        620957696
system_ext_a.img	    1227198464
system_ext_b.img	    0
product_a.img	        1368666112
product_b.img	        0
vendor_a.img	        269713408
vendor_b.img	        0
system_b.img	        56127488
  1. Record two additional sizes:
    • Unpacked Super size
    • Combined size of all extracted partitions
    --device super:4294967296  
    --group main:4330033152  

B. Fill in the Lpmake Command Template

Here’s the template:


lpmake --metadata-size 65536
--super-name super
--device super:<GROUP_SIZE>
--group main:<GROUP_SIZE>
--partition system_a:readonly:<SUPER_SIZE>:main --image system_a=./system_a.img
--partition product_a:readonly:<SUPER_SIZE>:main --image product_a=./product_a.img
--partition product_b:readonly:<SUPER_SIZE>:main --image product_b=./product_b.img
--partition vendor_a:readonly:<SUPER_SIZE>:main --image vendor_a=./vendor_a.img
--partition vendor_b:readonly:<SUPER_SIZE>:main --image vendor_b=./vendor_b.img
--partition system_b:readonly:<SUPER_SIZE>:main --image system_b=./system_b.img
--sparse --output ./super.img
  • Replace <SUPER_SIZE> and <GROUP_SIZE> with their respective values.
  • Adjust for dual-slot devices by using --metadata-slot=a/b.
  • ajust the metadata-size to 32768 if your device is a 32bit. now its set to 64bit.

C. Run the Command

  1. Open CMD from the Lpmake folder or navigate to it using cd.
  2. Copy Paste the each line of the making format list with a space in between each command.
    it should look like this:
tap to see

lpmake --metadata-size 65536 --super-name super --metadata-slot=1 --device super:4294967296 --group main:3542663168 --partition system_a:readonly:620957696:main --image system_a=./system_a.img --partition product_a:readonly:1368666112:main --image product_a=./product_a.img --partition product_b:readonly:0:main --image product_b=./product_b.img --partition vendor_a:readonly:269713408:main --image vendor_a=./vendor_a.img --partition vendor_b:readonly:0:main --image vendor_b=./vendor_b.img --partition system_b:readonly:56127488:main --image system_b=./system_b.img --sparse --output ./super.img

  1. press Enter.
  2. it will start doing its thing. it may say Invalid sparse file format at header magic but that doesnt mean anything, so don’t worry.

6. Flashing the GSI

To flash a GSI, rename it to system_a.img and replace the existing system_a.img.


If you see an error like this:

lpmake E 11-21 13:11:16 1784 1324 images.cpp:338 [liblp] Image for partition 'system_a' is greater than its size (766783488, expected 620957696)

Try these fixes:

  • Replace the decompressed Super size with the original compressed Super size.
  • Remove _b partitions from the configuration.
  • Tweak the sizes as needed.

This process can be tricky, but with persistence, it works!

Final Notes

If you’ve followed along and successfully unpacked and repacked the Super partition, I want to hear from you! Feel free to PM me and share your results—I’m always curious to see how it went.

This method is how I’ve laid the groundwork for many of my custom ROMs. With practice, you’ll get it down too.

Thanks for reading, and I hope this guide helps you master one of the more advanced aspects of Android modding.

Now this is a post! :crazy_face:


Thanks for this guide. There is a lot conflicting information out there about how to do this, so hopefully we can be a solid resource for this kind of information.