Old problem, but maybe someone can help me:
I’m trying to configure the physical activation key in the Voice Access settings. I’m able to open the menu and chose which button I’d like but it won’t save. On the E4610 I can press use Voice access itself to tap OK, or use scrcpy, but the problem is on this phone it shows the OK button as a physical Left Soft key press, so you cant just tap it.- that just remaps/selects that button as the tentative option to be mapped as the Voice Access activation key.
yup the only solution that ive heard was to create a modified version of voice access that will automatically make that the designated button…
if anyone wants to work on that it would be a great help to plenty of people
if you want for now you can use button mapper to set it as a button but you will not be able to close it via that button… you can close voice access ny hitting the clear button or by saying “stop listening”
I’m hearing that of the newer versions works to confim the ok button. Now i need to play around and see which version works.
Newer version of the phone or the app?
Did you try the latest app. You can get it on apk pure and download it. I believe the E4810 can download unmodified apps.
I tried a bunch of different versions and kept running into issues
Chaim Ginsberger who does repairs on all different devices has a version that works to get the ok tapped.
@Flippy use scrcpy
As I mentioned in my post, scrcpy also doesnt work.
my bad. overlooked. but why wouldn’t it work???
also, i had the e4810 with voice access - don’t remember how i did it but it wasn’t a problem back then
dont know what you did i heard once that you can try to lower the dpi and then try to connect it to scrpy then it should work let me know…
I don’t think I did that. Maybe my version came like that? It was 4 years ago…
I use an updated version and work perfectly no need for scrcpy.
Mind sharing the link or version number?
The newest version I tried, didnt work for me. it kept saying to enable accessibility even after I did…
Update: sorry this Voice Acces should not crash (app can not be modified to be used with LG phones.
Thanks worked like a charm. No need to run any of those commands as you would on the exalt or classic. Just plug and play.
Install app, go to bussiness center click on voice access, turn it on after you have wifi or data. Then say open voice access settings. And while the voice access is running go to set up an activation button and say tap or touch ok to close and save your selection.
Though would be nice to get rid of this notification in the notification panel. And not having it show on top in the notification bar at all times.
Try running this command:
adb shell am start --user 0 -a android.settings.APP_NOTIFICATION_SETTINGS -e android.provider.extra.APP_PACKAGE INSERT YOUR APP NAME HERE
Or if you can get into the systems notification settings that would work also.
Thanks, worked great. Assuming you’re using @anonymousfliphones app
Here’s the full command to fire off. it brings you to the notification panel and I just toggled it off. Away with the annoying notifications.
./adb.exe shell am start --user 0 -a android.settings.APP_NOTIFICATION_SETTINGS -e android.provider.extra.APP_PACKAGE com.google.android.apps.accessibility.voiceaccest