Does anyone have an apk for whatsapp that does not include channels in it?
Egate filter can block it for you
Thanks, does anyone have an idea to block without using e gate? I do not have e gate the way I filtered my phone was by removing browser permanently
You can try using adb to block the activity
Any help with the command I am not that techy?
On the topic of whatapp. I believe whatsapp recently stopped allowing you to use google voice numbers for your account. Anyone has any way around that or other good ideas how to have wa without using my regular number?
Anyone has experience with this?
I know how to block activities within the app itself. but I have no time or patience doing that
try using licky patcher or apkeditor to edit the permission that allow channels and remove it and create a modified apk
Is there any way to do this with other languages? eGate only blocks like 2 languages
I’m thinking there should be a way to do this, I just haven’t had the time to set up the tooling. Put it in the eGate Features topic.
Btw how do you block permanently?