Can we get a windows 11 update to this? Looks pretty good
Is there something that doesn’t work on Windows 11?
The default uninstallation list isn’t the same etc.
Funny story, I didn’t make that repository. It was a fork of a similar one that used some words for its name that are considered undesirable in my religious community. I just copied and pasted the code, and cleaned up the language.
Are there any particular apps you wanted added to the list?
Wait dont you already use Tiny11? no bloat there…
Also there alreadty are a few up to date alternatives out there…
yeah, now everyone’s asking which other community in the world can it be…?
Not specifically… but if you didn’t write it, then i wouldn’t bother asking… it’s ok. gotcha
Epiiiiic question bro!
Here’s the thing: I have the Brand new, Amazing, Yummy, Powerful and Glorious GPD Win Max 2 2025
It has interesting gaming controllers (I don’t game, but ya know), fingerprint detection, and in general - weird, compact hardware.
Now these have custom drivers… So i can’t install different default software… I’m not taking the risk.
Conservative Mennonite. like Amish except we drive cars instead of horses.
Yes makes sense. I think I kept seeing that on Indiegogo… what spurred you to buy it?
Besides for the listed above listed specs of course. You have a specific use-case for it or just for fun?
Best smallest laptop.
Tell me a other laptop with Ryzen 9, 64GB RAM, 4TB SSD, Radeon graphics card, touch and compact - for $1700.
It’s one of a kind
here is the activatable version of Windows 11 IoT Enterprise LTSC , just add the .iso extension after downloading.
Thanks but - what is it? link please?
It’s a version of Windows directly from Microsoft that comes without a lot of the junk included in consumer versions.
yeah, but again… i need my drivers. can’t risk installing a whole new version of windows.
post it in tools and extras
If these are device specific drivers I would assume they’d be downloaded through updates, unless they’re random drivers that aren’t officially part of the hardware
Thanks. I know of that.
After installing MTK and Vcom drivers my touch stopped working.
I reinstalled those drivers but it still had problems.
Until I figured the problem out it took me some time…
Now if I’ll swap the whole OS, can you imagine how much problems I’ll have?
I use Windows 11 IOT LTSC. Mtk drivers work fine.
If fact, you can export your driver’s through DISM from you current install and import it after installing LTSC.
Download Windows 11 IOT LTSC:
Activate Windows:
Open Powershell admin
Run: irm https://get.activated.win | iex
Hit 1 then enter